Monday, November 10, 2014

30 Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System Results

So obviously, I'm a bad blogger, haha! I promised a before and after picture when I finished my first 30 days and I never posted it up. To be honest, I was still a little nervous to take my after pictures because in the end I was only down 12 pounds and I had hoped to lose at least 15. To be honest though, the system worked even better than I could have hoped! I didn't stick to the program completely and we even went camping for a weekend in there with friends and I didn't do it at all. However, I think that I must have been gaining muscle though or something because I really wasn't expecting that much of a difference in my pictures. I knew that my clothes were fitting me better but was still doubtful... But when I saw this picture... I was so excited! Do you know what that is??!?!?!? Progress!!! Right now, I'm in my second round of 30 days and it's going well. I can't wait to see results for next month!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

30 Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System

On September 16, 2014 I began the 30 Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System from Isagenix. This sounds dramatic, but I honestly feel like my life will never be the same!

I am 5 ft. 4 in. and I began this cleanse at 169.2 lbs. With a BMI of 29.1, I was in the overweight category, hovering on the brink of the obesity category on the BMI charts. Now I have always been a little more 'muscular' throughout my life and so when you see my 'before' pictures, you might not picture someone bordering on obesity... at least that's never how I pictured myself... then again maybe I'm just in denial, haha!

In these pictures I might be smiling but I can tell you that on the inside, I cringe every time someone comes near me with a camera... I'm 'that' mom who barely has any pictures with her kids because of my own insecurities and I do feel like I am not always myself in groups because of the shame that I have because I feel like my out-of-control food binges are so obviously apparent to everyone around me that they are probably secretly disqusted by me... In the past, I've struggled with various eating disorders at times and that, my friends, is not living. I am so tired of these issues. I'm tired of feeling tired! I'm tired of having dreams and goals for our family that I know will never happen unless something changes. And do you know what I dread? I have two beautiful little girls who are amazing. I HATE to think that someday these precious girls are going to grow up with body hatred because they had a mama who hated and never cared enough to take care of hers the right way. I won't do that to them. And do you know what else? I'll be 30 in 3 months... so it's time to get it together! I spent half of my 20's 'waiting until tomorrow'... for what? I'm tired of waiting!

So now for some good news! Like I said, I started my cleanse from Isagenix in the middle of September. I'm now 20 days in... and I'm loving it... Guess what the scale says now? 159.0 pounds!! People! I'm down 10.2 pounds and I feel great! My only goal when I started this cleanse was weight loss. However, by the end of the first day, I felt like I had renewed energy! It was amazing.

I will post more about with this cleanse entails in future posts... and I'll also tell you how in 3 weeks, I'm already making money with Isagenix... and I will be posting my before and after pics too. I'm going to do at least one more 30 day cleanse after this, possibly two... we shall see! I don't think 10 lbs is enough to warrant before and after pics yet, so just hang on a few more weeks, and I'll put some up!

I'm so excited to share this gift with all of you and share with you how I and my family are being positively impacted by this whole experience. Stay tuned!